Design proposal for TfL
Ecoyster is the new Oyster scheme that encourages cycling
by letting Londoners get rewards by cycling their own bicycle
by letting Londoners get rewards by cycling their own bicycle
Introducing ‘Ecoyster’, the new Oyster scheme, film, 2019
Solo / Product Design Proposal
Solo / Product Design Proposal
Transport for London (TfL)
Transport for London (TfL)
Feb 2019
Feb 2019
Adobe XD, Illustrator, After Effect
Adobe XD, Illustrator, After Effect
Branding, Prototyping, Wireframes
Branding, Prototyping, Wireframes
Ecoyster is a new Oyster scheme for TfL
to encourage more people to cycle in London.
The ‘Oyster card’ is a payment method for public transport in London.
I came up with ‘Eco-oyster’ for a name of the new scheme, which
encourages you to move in london with an eco-friendly way, cycling.
The number of cyclist not improved significantly
dispite of the effort by British government
Focused on the psychological level of problem
Shifted a frame of cycling from personal transport to one of TfLs
Created new identity of new scheme
Created UI mockup of new scheme
Ecoyster let Londoners get rewards by cycling their own bicycle.
They can get same benefit by using public bicycle attached eco-light .
Ecoyster tries reducing psycological distance
between cycling and Londoners, and encourages
people to travel healthily and sustainably.
By cycling with ecoyster, you will get rewards including
getting discounts for gym memberships, bike accessories,
and saving double eco-points during peak-time.

Research reference : ‘Cycling Action Plan, Mayor of London, 2018’, ’TfL customer research, 2017
UI mockup
Based on the wireframes, I created high-fidelity mockups
of a few main screen to suggest a design system.

Indentity design
I designed a logo for ecoyster inspired by bicycle wheel.
I used green colour variation in order to give an eco-friendly mood.

Ecoyster users can be defined like someone
Caring myself,
Caring health,
Loving green,
Loving forest,
Thinking positive,
Thinking sustainable,
Loving my city,
Loving London.
Ecoyster proposes a practical way of
building an eco-friendly environment

Next Step
Service Test the range of feasible technology for Ecolight
Specify the rewards including collaboration with sports brands
Audio map service design for the inexperienced cyclist
UI Iteration based on User Interview / Usability test